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Our trust member pilots innovative method for clozapine monitoring

A point-of-care testing device which enables clinicians to perform rapid and convenient testing of clozapine levels is being piloted at South West London and St George’s....

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Brand new NHS mental health centre opened by Arsenal’s Per Mertesacker

Arsenal Academy Manager, Per Mertesacker, joined staff and service users in Islington to celebrate the opening of North London Mental Health Partnership’s (NLMHP) new, state-of-the-art inte...

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Perinatal Mental Health Provider Collaborative

Central and North West London (CNWL) and West London NHS Trusts (WLT) joined together to form a North West London Perinatal Mental Health Provider Collaborative from 1 April 2024....

CSG Vision

The Cavendish Square Group is working together to reduce mental health inequalities, driving best practice through integrated working to improve the health and wellbeing of Londoners.

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Selena's Journey through the Westminster Step Down Service

For Selena Phillips, the journey through mental health recovery has been far from straightforward. Diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, Selena's life before 2022 was a relentless cycle of hosp...

Recognising the transformative role of social workers

Today is the World Social Work Day 2024. It is a day to acknowledge, recognise and show appreciation for the hard work, care and dedication of social workers....

Facing My Trauma: A Journey Through Filmmaking

Kaveh Meshkat, a patient currently working with Tina Meegan, Employment Specialist in Westminster, shares his story about a film making workshop he was able take part in thanks to support from Tina an...